Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline October 15, 2016 October 29, 2016 (extended)
Paper Submission deadline October 22, 2016 October 29, 2016 (extended)
Paper decisions December 10, 2016 Dec 26, 2016 (extended)
Final Camera Ready  January 7, 2017 January 15, 2017

All times are applicable anywhere in the world.

Call for Papers

The Fourth ACM IKDD Conferences on Data Sciences (CODS 2017)

March 9-11 March, 2017, IIT Madras, India

The Indian chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ACM IKDD) is pleased to announce the fourth Conference on Data Sciences (CoDS 2017) in IIT Madras, Chennai. We invite papers reporting original research in all aspects of Data Science. CoDS 2017 will feature a Best Research Paper Award, and also a Best Student Paper Award.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Models and Algorithms: Classification and regression, parallel and distributed learning, semi- and unsupervised learning, matrix and tensor methods, graph mining, reinforcement learning, dimensionality reduction, graph mining, deep learning, Bayesian methods, time series analysis, optimization.

Applications: Text analytics and NLP, information retrieval, social network analysis, recommender systems, online advertising, bioinformatics, computational neuroscience, systems biology, multimedia processing, crowdsourcing, education, robotics, technology for emerging markets.

Case studies: Descriptions of deployments of data science solutions in industry and government that address real-world challenges and highlight new and important research directions for data science.

Archival and Non-archival

All papers will go through the same reviewing process, and selected papers will be presented either as an oral talk or as a poster at the conference. Additionally, authors of selected papers will have the choice to opt their paper out of the conference proceedings. This will enable the paper presented at CoDS to be resubmitted at a different future venue. CODS 2017 proceedings have been published in ACM Digital Library. Please find the proceedings here :

Submission Format

The submissions should not exceed 10 pages of content (unlimited references) and should be formatted in the standard ACM style available at . The submissions should be made to

Dual Submission Policy

CoDS does not allow dual submission, violating papers will be rejected immediately without review.

PhD Workshop & Data Challenge

We invite submissions for the PhD workshop, where senior PhD students may present their research to experts and get feedback and guidance. There will be a separate call for the PhD workshop. In the spirit of the KDD Cup, the conference will also include a Data Challenge. Winning entries will receive attractive prizes.

General Chairs: Rajeev Rastogi (Amazon), Balaraman Ravindran (IIT Madras)
Program Chairs: Sameep Mehta (IBM Research), Partha Talukdar (IISc Bangalore)
Industry Chair: Shourya Roy (American Express Big Data Labs), Balaji Vasan Srinivasan (Adobe)

See here for a full list of the organization committee.