Student Award Application Invited
IKDD CODS 2017 will provide travel assistance to full-time students from the degree granting institutions. The purpose of the travel grant it to promote participation of students from a diverse set of institution as well as backgrounds. The travel grant includes free accommodation and monetary travel support partially covering the travel cost. The participants will have to register on their own. The amount of the travel support be will decided on the basis of the merit of the applicant as well as the available funds. The travel support for the last year was Rs. 4,000. This year’s travel support amount may be higher or lower.
How To Submit The Application
Please submit your travel grant application in PDF format with the following information:
- Please submit applicant’s information and a statement of purpose here
Instructions for filling out the form
Applicant’s Information
- Email Address: Your institution email id
- Name: Applicant’s full name
- Current Place of Study: Name and address of the current place of study
- Program: Bachelor’s, MS, PhD, Other (specify)
- Number of years in the program: e.g. In second year of a 4-year program or 2nd year of PhD program
Statement of Purpose
- applicant’s research interest and current accomplishments, and his/her future research plans,
- a description of how the grant will help him/her with the research plans,
- any information that the applicant feels relevant for supporting their application,
- your total budget for attending IKDD CoDs 2017, and how the travel award can help close the gap.
Applicant’s Information
- Please fill out the application form before February 15, 2017 Midnight, IST .
- The decision will be made and communicated by February 26, 2017.