Data Science in India
ACM SIGKDD Conference
Since 2015, ACM SIGKDD India Chapter has been running an event (co-located or hosted by the KDD conference) meant to showcase the current state and the growth of KDD and Data Science fields in India. This year’s program will tentatively consist of invited talks by leading researchers in the field, as well as talks by early career researchers on their experience in India from academia, MNCs as well as well-known startups/unicorns. This will be followed by a panel discussion on a Data Science ecosystem related topic in India.
Target Audience: Researchers interested in the state of KDD research in India – could be with a view to collaborate, start up, or return to take up positions in academia or research labs
Speakers and Panelists
We are putting together an exciting set of talks on relevant topics from eminent speakers and panelists from the industry, academia and government.
Confirmed participants are listed below – the list is growing (come back to check!)